8. Engineering Team Management



At the apex of ACAT's team structure is the Accountable Manager (AM), who holds overarching responsibility for the entire company. He has corporate authority for ensuring that all operations and maintenance activities can be financed and conducted to the standard required by the authority and any additional requirements by the organization.


Reporting directly to AM is the Technical Manager, who is Head of the Engineering, and oversees the engineering department's overall operations and strategy. The TM is accountable for the comprehensive functioning of engineering department that includes,

  1. Maintaining all ACAT FSTDs and its equipment at the required qualification levels while adhering TDM advisories to ensure optimal serviceability.
  2. Upholding the airworthiness of all FSTDs operated by ACAT, ensuring they meet stringent safety and performance standards.
  3. TM is Responsible for developing and implementing policies and programs that promote safe operations in all activities concerning FSTD. At least 3 years of direct FSTD experience and a relevant bachelor's degree is required.
  4. A diagram of a company Description automatically generated


The Technical Leader supports the Technical Manager by overseeing the engineering team's daily operations, aligning them with departmental goals.

  1. Managing daily tasks, coordinating projects, and ensuring compliance with standards and policies.
  2. Providing guidance to the team, facilitating internal communication, and addressing operational challenges.
  3. Identifying and facilitating team training and development needs and at least 2 years of direct FSTD experience and a relevant bachelor's degree is required.
  4. In the Technical Manager's absence, the Technical Leader takes on all managerial responsibilities, ensuring uninterrupted departmental functioning.


Reporting to the Technical Leader, the Team Leader plays a crucial role in ensuring operational efficiency and respective team performance. There shall be a minimum of four teams to have continual technical support for the FSTD usage. Key responsibilities of a team leader are,

  1. Managing team activities, directing task execution, and maintaining the ongoing operation of ACAT's FSTDs during their assigned shifts
  2. Leading a diverse team of engineers, each with specific roles and responsibilities, to optimize team performance and efficiency.
  3. Overseeing the transition and continuity of operations across different shifts, ensuring seamless daily activities.
  4. Preferably this position will be filled by a Senior Engineer, leveraging extensive internal experience to guide and mentor the team effectively. At least a professional degree and 6 months of direct FSTD experience is required.


Reporting directly to the Team Leader are the Sim Engineers/Technicians. Their responsibilities are sharply focused on maintaining and operating the FSTDs as per operational requirements. This includes but is not limited to, conducting preventive and corrective maintenance, providing technical support to FSTD users, performing validation tests, and continuously enhancing their technical knowledge.The technical expertise of these engineers and technicians is crucial to the success of the department. At least a professional degree and 6 months of direct FSTD experience is required.


ACAT believes in blending young talents and seasoned expertise, this nurtures skills with updated phase of evolving technology. Interns are groomed through practical engagement and mentorship from Sim Engineers in support to the team and gain hands-on experience, providing them with the opportunity to learn and contribute to the department under guided supervision. At least a professional degree is expected.



  2. All significant activities pertaining to Flight Simulation Training Device (FSTD) operations and engineering tasks during each shift may be documented as needed. This record can be used for effective handover between shifts as required. The template can be found in the engineering server. This document shall be utilized as needed.
  4. Each DGCA approved FSTD must have a Discrepancy List displayed nearby. This list must enumerate all outstanding training discrepancies. All training discrepancies raised shall be forwarded to the Head of Training for feedback on MMI categorization, IoT & DR prioritization, in alignment with the section 4.2 Unscheduled Maintenance of this document.
  6. The Shift In-Charge bears the responsibility for ensuring that all incoming calls to the engineering hotline are promptly answered and addressed. This hotline serves as a critical communication channel for reporting and resolving operational issues. In case of a telecommunication failure, the Operations Department must establish and provide an alternative communication method to maintain uninterrupted service. Each FSTD must contain a feature to contact the engineering "HOTLINE" at any point of time during the training.
  8. If anyone from outside ACAT requests data or proprietary information in a context out of scope from published documents, the request is to be redirected to the Technical Manager via Shift Leader. Any data not published for users must not be passed without explicit written approval from the Technical Manager.


  1. Session Change Over Check (SCOC):
  2. Between each FSTD session, engineering personnel must conduct a comprehensive system review and reset. This includes restoring the cockpit to its default configuration, thereby guaranteeing that the facility is in an optimal and standardized state for subsequent crew utilization.
  3. Delayed session:
  4. In instances where a session runs late and affects the start time of the next session, the Scheduling Department must be notified promptly. The Shift In-Charge is responsible for courteously requesting the instructor to conclude their session and understanding the cause of the delay.
  5. Simulator access:
  6. Any requests for simulator access not part of a scheduled session must be validated by the Shift In-Charge in co-ordination with the Scheduling Department. Users are not permitted to use the simulator without their instructor, especially if the instructor fails to arrive for a booked session.
  7. Simulator schedule:
  8. The Scheduler shall provide the daily simulator session schedule, through email to the engineering department's official mail ID. If another electronic means is used to publish, schedule data must be stored by the scheduling department for at least five preceding years and the same shall be readily available for engineering on requisition.
  9. Simulator schedule changes:
  10. Any changes to the simulator schedule, including session modifications or additional crew, must be communicated to the Engineering Department via telephone for immediate communication and an email shall be facilitated for record by the Scheduling Department.
  12. In cases where a training session is rated below 3 by the crew, engineering personnel attending to the crew must inform the Shift In-Charge. Efforts must be made to gather detailed feedback from the crew for quality improvement.
  13. Unscheduled Training:
  14. For unscheduled arrivals of instructors, observers, or crew at the simulator, confirmation of booking must be obtained from the Scheduling Department. A revised schedule should be released, reflecting the new crew details. Until official confirmation (via email or revised roster) is received, the Engineering personnel should not permit the use of the FSTD.
  15. VPN connection
  16. VPN / External network connections of all the FSTDs must be disconnected unless specifically requested by the TDM official representative or approved by the Technical Manager.
  17. Adequate technical support:
  18. All training, evaluation, testing, or checking sessions in an FSTD must receive a declaration of readiness from an engineer before commencement. Engineering personnel, after configuring the device, shall sign or authorize stating that the FSTD is ready for training.



All engineering department personnel are subject to the same privileges and benefits as applicable under the ACAT HR manual. However, considering the engineering department's need for consistent operational readiness, which extends beyond conventional work schedules, requires specialized protocols for employee's management. Therefore, any specific provisions addressed in Chapter 8 of this document are tailored to these unique requirements and will supersede the general policies stated in HR manual.


  1. Workforce onboarding:
  2. All engineering personnel requisitions, recruitment, and integration processes shall be executed in alignment with ACAT's Human Resources (HR) protocols. It is imperative that HR manages these processes to ensure consistency with organizational standards and policies.
  3. Integration:
  4. ACAT's HR shall facilitate the initial organizational orientation, while the Technical Manager (TM) or delegate will then oversee the department-specific integration. This ensures a comprehensive introduction to the engineering department's operations and culture.
  5. Initial Setup and Facility Familiarization:
  6. To guarantee a smooth transition, the following measures shall be taken for each new hire:
    1. HR / Delegate:
      1. Issuance of security credentials, including access badges and identification cards.
      2. Allocation of workspace, computing equipment, and storage facilities.
      3. A guided tour of the premises to acquaint the new employee with various departments, tools, areas identified to be more cautious and its safety protocols.
    2. Technical Manager / Delegate:
      1. An overview of the Engineering department's mission, key responsibilities, and its collaborative role with other departments.
      2. Comprehensive review of the Simulator Maintenance and Procedures Manual along with other relevant technical documentation.
      3. Introduction to essential engineering software, tools, and resources.
  7. Position descriptions:
  8. Detailed job descriptions for engineering roles are maintained on the Engineering Server and are accessible to all personnel. These documents delineate the expectations, responsibilities, and qualifications associated with each position.
  9. Training and Authorization:
  10. Following initial integration, the engineer will partake in a tailored Training Program. The TM or a delegate assigned by TM will evaluate the individual's prior experience to determine the requirement. This assessment ensures that all personnel attain the requisite proficiency to uphold the department's standards of excellence. This shall be classroom based or On Job Training. Based on the demonstrated competence and adherence to the operational protocols, the TM may also consider authorizing the individual to perform specialized tasks related to the (FSTD).


  1. The engineering department shall operate in three types of shifts.
    1. The day shift runs from 07:30 AM to 08:00 PM.
    2. The night shift runs from 07:30 PM to 08:00 AM.
    3. Flexible shift, no fixed timings, requirement basis but not more than 42 hours/week.
  2. A 30-minute overlap period is included in each shift change to facilitate comprehensive handover and ensure the seamless continuation of engineering operations. This overlap time duration may be utilized as required but capped to 30 mins.
  3. The standard roster is preferentially structured to have two-day shifts, followed by two-night shifts, and then a rest period of four consecutive days.
  4. Due to the unconventional shift timings and rostering in the engineering department, there is no minimum weekly work hour requirement. This approach is adopted to accommodate the unique operational demands and work patterns of engineering.
  5. This work pattern may be modified as necessary, subject to approval from the Technical Manager, to accommodate operational requirements or personnel requirements.


ACAT is committed to the continuous development and proficiency of our engineering staff, structured around a comprehensive training program categorized into three distinct types. These programs are tailored to ensure that our engineering personnel are not only competent but also at the forefront of technological and methodological advancements in the industry.

The training may be conducted by experienced ACAT engineers or an external party contracted by ACAT for the relevant training. Technical Manager shall subjectively evaluate the employee and determine their training requirement accordingly. After the successful course period, the trainee may be awarded with certificates / confirmation of training completion.

  1. Initial Training
    1. These modules are focused on the new engineering staff. This program lays the foundational knowledge and skills essential for their respective positions. It covers an array of core principles of engineering within the context of ACAT, an introduction to our specific FSTD technologies, safety protocols, and hands-on sessions.
    2. This is preferably combined with a formal theoretical class followed by a practical session with subsequent on-the-job training under the guidance of senior sim engineers. In some cases, the new employees may be directly started with guided On Job Training depending on the employee requirement after evaluation by the Technical Manager.
    3. The goal is to ensure that all engineers have a solid baseline of understanding and can operate within our systems confidently and competently from day one.
  2. Differential Training
    1. Differential Training is tailored for newly recruited employees who possess prior experience in FSTD maintenance and for current staff when new FSTD or aircraft models are introduced at ACAT. This training focuses on the distinctive features and operational procedures that differ from existing models or prior experience.
    2. It combines theoretical knowledge with practical application, preferably delivered in a classroom setting. The sessions are conducted by TDM representatives or engineers with in-depth experience and understanding of the new systems, ensuring a thorough comprehension of the differences and integration into our operational framework.
  3. Refresher Training
    1. Refresher Training is a strategically designed program aimed at reinforcing and updating the existing knowledge base of our engineering personnel. This periodic training is crucial for ensuring that all engineers retain critical skills and stay informed about the latest developments in FSTD maintenance and regulatory standards. It revitalizes foundational concepts and introduces new procedures as technologies and regulations evolve.
    2. This program may not be a typical classroom model, it will be focusing on the experience gathered by different individuals working closely with ACAT's FSTDs following the SMPM guidelines. By integrating individual experiences with formal training, we foster a robust knowledge exchange, spur continuous improvement, and streamline our operations.
    3. This will help to empower the engineers with various diverse knowledge and will help to identify the places for improvement in the system and optimize it. This training is a key component in our commitment to sustaining peak operational efficiency and technical proficiency across the engineering department.
    4. This training requirement will be decided by TM depending on the requirement, may considered to have biannually.


Maintaining detailed training records for engineering personnel is mandatory at ACAT. These records should include a comprehensive collation of issued certificates, experience, qualification, training records and copy of attendance sheets. All records must be systematically tracked and readily accessible to authorized personnel. This practice ensures thorough documentation of staff training, facilitating compliance and continuous professional development within the Engineering Department. For the retention period kindly refer to section 7.2 Record keeping of this document.

8.3.5 LEAVES

  1. Leave Eligibility
  2. All engineering personnel employee benefits of ACAT shall be in accordance with ACAT HR manual regarding the number of days and types of leave for which they are eligible. They are privileged to utilize these leaves as detailed in the ACAT HR manual, except compensatory off (comp off) for availability and its validity period.
    1. Engineers assigned to work on public and festival holidays, or those approved for additional shifts by the Technical Manager or an authorized delegate, shall be eligible for compensatory off days (Comp Off) as per company policy.
    2. These Comp Off days must be availed within the three subsequent months from the date of extra duty, beyond which it will expire.
    3. Approval for Comp Off is subject to the discretion of the Technical Manager.
  4. Planned Leave Application Process
    1. Engineers shall ensure that their shift is adequately staffed before applying for leave, aiming to maintain operational efficiency and prevent overburdening the remaining staff.
    2. On usual scenarios, only one engineer per shift can be on leave at a time. Exceptions to this may be considered on exigencies but require explicit approval from the Technical Manager (TM).
    3. Engineers must first assess and confirm that their absence will not negatively impact departmental staffing and minimum operational levels.
    4. Upon this verification, engineers must discuss their leave intentions with their immediate supervisor (Level 1 Manager) or Team Leader for preliminary approval.
    5. Following approval from the Team Leader, the leave request shall be forwarded to the TM or Technical Leader or delegate for final authorization.