6. Logistics


All the test equipment used in FSTD shall be calibrated regularly to maintain accuracy while performing the testing. Below points shall be followed for maintaining calibration.

  1. A recurrent calibration management record shall be established to track the calibration status.
  2. An engineering staff assigned shall monitor and follow up the calibration routine and process. He also shall be responsible for updating the calibration record and documenting the calibration certificate.
  3. No testing equipment shall be used without calibration.


  1. The Inventory Record may contain possible details as given below,
    1. Part Description
    2. Part Number
    3. Serial Number
    4. Location
  2. Inventory stock addition shall be conducted only by senior engineering personnel and Technical Manager or delegate.
  3. A dedicated storage shall be allotted for FSTD spares (Engineering Store) and shall be restricted by access control in which only the Engineering Team members shall have direct access and for any other requirements store shall be accessed with an engineering personnel accompanying.
  4. Parts will be identified in the Stores by means of Color-Coded Tags
    1. Green - Serviceable New Part
    2. Yellow - To Be Repaired
    3. Orange - Faulty
    4. Red - Scrap
  5. Any parts utilized from the spare must be recorded in inventory with the details of why it is used, and no parts can be utilized without a proper entry, the entry may be done after successful replacement / installation in the FSTD.
  6. Physical Verification of all Parts in Inventory shall be Done Half yearly by the technical manager or assigned delegate.
  7. Any parts removed from the FSTD must be kept in the engineering store or sent to scrap by approval of logistic coordinator.


  1. To manage the adequate spare in stock for uninterrupted and reliable FSTD operation, a review shall be conducted by technical manager or assigned delegate in a half year frequency for new part introductory or additional stock of available parts.
  2. May consider stocking up the frequently failed components in trailing twelve months but with a subject interpretation on requirements and anticipated failures by analyzing inventory.
  3. Any spare procurement shall be initiated after the approval of the technical manager or assigned delegate.
  4. All additional spare procurement shall be conducted in light of ACAT's procurement policy.


  1. When a component is decided that it reached a Beyond Economical Repair condition, it shall be communicated to the TM or delegate.
  2. Post TM approval the component will be shipped to TDM or scrapped in accordance with local procedure, the items will be handed over to operations department.
  3. If a new part is required, it shall be processed in accordance with the section 6.3 of this manual.


  1. When a component is identified to be repaired, a suitable and dependable vendor shall be identified, TDM advisory may be used to accomplish this.
  2. Once the repair quote and other financial approvals are completed, the part shall be shipped to vendor either by TM or with the approval of TM.
  3. Constant communication shall be established with the vendor throughout the process.
  4. When the component is received post repair, it shall be evaluated for expected functionalities.
  5. If it passes the test, it will be included in inventory and necessary details will be recorded like location and service tags, along with the identity of the person testing.
  6. If it fails the test, it will be communicated to the vendor and shipped back accordingly.