5. Configuration Control


  1. For FSTD qualification and recurrent evaluation following matrix shall be used to refer.
    1. DGCA - CAR section 7 series D Part VI and OC 15/2014
    2. EASA - CS-FSTD(A) and Part ORA
    S.no Type DGCA EASA
    1 Initial Qualification Para 12; CAR 7D VI AMC1 FSTD(A).300 (8)
    2 Recurrent Qualification Para 16; CAR 7 D VI AMC1 FSTD(A).300 (9)
    3 Upgrade to higher QPS Para 13; CAR 7 D VI AMC1 FSTD(A).300 (5)
    4 Additional qualification for currently qualified FSTD Para 14; CAR 7 D VI AMC1 FSTD(A).300
  2. Relocation of an FSTD, post approval from all key stake holders of the organization, a formal correspondence on the relocation plan shall be sent to specific authority by QM/CMM. Post commissioning, all the objective & subjective tests shall be submitted to RA. In case of any deviations, RA must be informed promptly for special evaluation.
  3. Deactivation of an FSTD, post approval from all key stake holders of organization, a formal correspondence on deactivation of FSTD details shall be sent to specific authority by QM/CMM.
  4. Transfer of an FSTD, a formal correspondence on ownership transfer of FSTD shall be sent to specific authority by QM/CMM and submit currently approved MQTG.


  1. Authority shall be requested at least 60 days for DGCA & 90 days for EASA, prior to the planned evaluation date in writing to the authority along with the necessary documents.
  2. The request must be including a signed statement by post holder Training / operations after confirming the below requirements and for details refer CAR 7DVI para 12 for DGCA and ORA FSTD 200 AMC 1 Part A, CS-FSTD(A) issue - II for EASA.
    1. A confirmation statement from a type rated pilot about the correct functionalities of systems & subsystems (including the simulated aircraft systems), cockpit representation, detailed performance, and handling qualities of the FSTD shall be obtained and the pilot who confirms must be available on RA's request.
    2. All objective and subjective test with the Validation data package shall be completed in the facility where the evaluated FSTD is intended for the purpose of training, evaluation, or experience.
    3. All relevant documents including VDR, and other test data developed after type certificate for user training, experience, or evaluation shall be made available for RA.
  3. All special equipment and qualified personnel shall be available to accomplish or assist in tests during evaluation.
  4. Post evaluation, CMM/QM to prepare the evaluation dossier for RA.
  5. Any discrepancies recorded by the authority with the evaluation report shall be informed to HoT and TM by QM/CMM, RA shall be responded back with the corrective action plan within 30 days or as specified by RA from the date of report.
  6. Any changes or update to the VDR or flight test data submitted during the initial SOQ must be intimated to the RA within 10 calendar days and a liaison shall be maintained with the TDM or the aircraft manufacturer (incase the TDM is no longer communicated) and if applicable the package supplier to be in current on these changes.
    1. A corrective action plan must be submitted to the RA within 45 calendar days for incorporating the changes if it is applicable to the FSTD certified.
  7. Any further evaluation requested by RA for corrective action shall be conducted as early possible.
  8. After successful evaluation by RA, a copy of certified SOQ shall be published adjacent to the FSTD and the QTG results witnessed by the RA shall be updated together with the approved MQTG, the same shall be maintained to be available on RA's request.
  9. Configuration of FSTD shall be frozen and create a backup as contingency measure.


    DGCA (Biannually) & EASA (Every year):
  1. The start of each recurrent 24 months for DGCA and 12 months for EASA is the period the recurrent or continued qualification due, unless specified otherwise by RA.
  2. The FSTD recurrent evaluation shall take place within 3 calendar months before the due date of this recurrent evaluation period and the next due date will be calculated from the expiry due.
  3. QM/CMM shall keep track of the due dates and initiate the evaluation process.
  4. Documents to be submitted to DGCA Headquarters not later than 60 days before the evaluation is due. (CAR 7 D VI 8.2.b.). Continuing evaluation shall be conducted in the 3 calendar months before the expiry of validity and the next due date will be calculated from the expiry due.
  5. All special equipment and qualified personnel shall be available to accomplish or assist in tests during continuing qualification.
  6. All relevant data like past 2 years recurrent QTG runs, discrepancy details, MMI list and past 90 days comments or feedback received from the users must be available for RA.
  7. For EASA, all documentation to be according to requirements GM3 ORA.FSTD.100 (d)
  8. References: CAR Section 7 series D part VI, OC 15 of 2014 Rev-2 & Issue - 2 (DGCA); AMC1 ORA-FSTD, GM3 ORA.FSTD.100 d., (EASA).


Any modification on FSTD may be a result of service bulletins from TDM, AD, customer, or operator business requirement. The following must be done before commencing any major modification.

  1. Technical Manager or delegate may assign engineering personnel to oversee the FSTD update.
  2. If the modification is a major update that affects QPS, the Regulatory Authority must be informed for prior approval.
  3. If the change does not affect initially approved QPS standards, the changes shall be recorded and submitted to RA later when required. Refer section 5.5 of this manual.
  4. Field Service Bulletins that include new preventive maintenance Tasks or Modifications, either Hardware or Software will be updated by the TDM.
  5. AD's, SBs for EASA are available https://ad.easa.europa.eu/sib-docs/page-1and for DGCA at https://www.dgca.gov.in/digigov-portal/
  6. Updates are notified to Technical Staff via email subscription to FSB or any other means advised by TDM. All regulatory authority AD is monitored by Compliance Team and notified to Technical Staff if applicable.
  7. All SB shall be recorded in soft copy and updated in FSB Management Records (excel). Decision for implementation shall be confirmed by TM or delegate through email.
  8. The FSB Management Records controlled excel file shall be used to record all the FSB status and implementation process will be tracked through DTS as maintenance DR.


Hardware modification control is to manage any hardware changes for FSTD to modify the configuration as required while keeping the changes under control and keeping track.

    Implementation of Hardware Change:
  1. Once Hardware Modification is assessed by TM or assigned delegate and ready for implementation, review all the post implementation effects over QTGs, qualification standards, and calibrations.
  2. Ensure enough maintenance time is available on the simulator if not scheduled, intimate scheduling for requirement and proceed with the hardware change.
  3. A DR must accompany a Hardware Change to track the process.
  4. Update the DTS with clear and concise comments on the actions performed.
  5. If the change(s) affects the original configuration of thesimulator, raise hardware Modification form template which is in Engineering Server.
  6. Record the changes and document in Hardware Configuration Control binder and a soft copy in Engineering Server
  7. Close the DR, when hardware Modification form has been duly signed and recorded.


Software modification control is to manage and track any software changes/updates made on FSTD.

    Prior proceeding with updating, following assessments actions must be analyzed:
    1. STD Qualification Level
    2. Major Changes in base configuration
    3. Changes affecting QTG & its related systems.
      1. If a QTG is referred to or suspected to be affected by the change, specific QTG or several QTGs related to the system getting updated should be run.
      2. If ran QTG is not in tolerance with MQTG, TDM should be informed for corrective maintenance. (If required, QM is advised to inform the RA).
    4. A DR must accompany the major software changes (changes to core simulator package) to track the process and DTS shall be updated with concise comments of action done.
    5. The Software Configuration Form accompanied with Release Note, may be documented.
    6. Close the DR, when software Modification form has been duly signed and recorded.


This section's main aim is to manage changes for the FSTD's to modify the configuration as required with a documented history of changes.

    1. After the initial evaluation, the FSTD initial configuration records are established. The record contains the information and/or the location for the following items:
    2. Simulated Aircraft configuration (aircraft Manufacturer, aircraft type, engines, avionics, etc.).
    3. FSTD information (host computer, visual system, etc.).
    4. List of visual scenes available including certification scenes.
    5. Master QTG binders.
  3. Any major change to the Initial configuration must be informed to RA. The Technical Manager is the Custodian for the MQTG Binders and Initial Configuration.
    When change in configuration falls in any category of the below items are to be notified to RA and TPAA simultaneously prior to the implementation of the change,
    1. Equipment or devices intended to simulate aircraft appliances are added to or removed from FSTD, which impacts the SOQ or the MQTG; or Changes are made to either software or hardware that are intended to impact flight or ground dynamics.
    2. Changes are made that impact performance or handling characteristics of the FSTD (including motion, visual, control loading, or sound systems for those FSTD levels requiring sound tests and measurements)
    3. Changes are made to the MQTG.
    4. Changes which are not required to be notified:
    5. Flight Control or Motion Calibration.
    6. Instrument or equipment Calibration.
    7. Replacing a defective component with a spare or suitable replacement that maintains the same system functionality and does not change the design architecture or performance of the FSTD.
    8. Updates to Radio Aids Database, Terrain Database, FMS Nav Data updates
    9. Updates to Visual Model Scenes
    10. MQTG Editorial Changes
      1. Changes to the MQTG which do not affect required objective testing results or validation data approved during the initial evaluation of the FSTD are not considered modifications under this section.
  5. Subsequently, the FSTD configuration is updated as required due to Corrective Maintenance, updates etc. Both Hardware Configuration Control and Software Configuration Control are ensured as per 5.1 & 5.2, respectively.
    1. Below records are retained for review of changes made to Simulator configuration.
      1. Software Configuration Updates - Software Update/Backup Log
      2. Hardware Configuration Updates - Hardware Mod sheets.
      3. Master QTG changes - MQTG Revision History
      4. SB's and AD's - FSB Tracking system
    2. Post any major changes in the FTSD, a subjective flyout may be conducted by HoT or a type rated pilot, to confirm that the changes made do not affect any handling or performance characteristics depending upon the impact of change.


  1. When an FSTD is intended to be utilized for training, evaluation, or experience beyond the issued SOQ, it shall undergo an additional qualification.
    1. A brief description of modification made to support the additional qualification shall be submitted to specific RA, along with the MQTG affected post modification.
    2. Modification shall be in accordance with the section 5.2 of this document.
    3. A confirmation statement from must be obtained as described in section 5.1.1 - point 2.a of this document.
    4. An initial or special evaluation may take place as determined by RA for the a dditional standards implemented.
    5. FSTD shall be qualified for additional use only after the RA issues a new SOQ. Till a permanent SOQ has been released, users shall be notified with an addendum to the existing SOQ for the update.
    6. The MQTG shall be updated with new approved tests as described in the section 4.1.3.b of this document.
  2. Any interim qualification received from RA for new aircraft type or model by submitting the preliminary data package will be continued for further qualification only when the final aircraft is submitted within 12 months.
    1. This will be evaluated as initial qualification post the submission of final aircraft data package.
    2. Refer CAR 7 D VI para 19 for detailed approach.