2. Health & Safety


The purpose of this section is to present precautionary procedures and protocol that engineering department personnel must follow to keep the employee, environment, and workplace safe. The rules of engagement are necessary for the health and safety of all personnel. Always



The given rules and procedures are meant to help and assist ACAT Engineering staff in relation to their safety and health. Moreover, ACAT Safety Manager shall consult with TM or delegate assigned by TM to identify hazards and to eliminate or mitigate them to minimize the risk involved.

  1. On general guidance it is advisable to have minimum two engineering personnel in shift.
  2. If the number of employees per shift is less than 2, the TM or delegate should be informed.
  3. Technical staff who might end up working alone must follow the "Lone Worker" (para 2.3) guidelines of this document.
  4. All Engineers / Technicians must inform their respective L1 Manager of their intention of work, tasks to be carried out, where they are planning to work.
  5. All Engineers / Technicians accessing or working in simulator bay area must wear safety equipment wherever necessary i.e., helmets, harness, insulated gloves etc.
  6. All critical mechanical and/or electrical works must be conducted with a minimum of two engineering department personnel actively present in shift.
  7. The simulator bay and shop areas are to be kept clean. Floors and ramps must be kept oil-free. Halls and other pedestrian areas must be clear of obstructions.


A "lone worker" is an individual who works independently without direct supervision or immediate access to assistance from other workers.

It is important for the Engineering department along with the Safety Manager to conduct a full hazards assessment of their working environment. The primary aim is to educate employees about the risks associated with working alone and to ensure that they take appropriate precautionary measures.

  1. Operational Guidelines for Lone Workers
    1. Notification Requirement:

      Lone workers must inform the TM or TM assigned delegate before commencing the shift alone. This ensures that the department is aware of the lone working situation.

    2. Regular Check-Ins:

      The front desk is responsible for regularly checking on lone workers. This can be done via phone or through physical walk-around inspections at the lone worker's site.

    3. Communication with Front Desk and Security:

      A lone worker must notify the front desk clerk and the on-duty security guard of their lone working status. This step is crucial for ensuring their safety and quick response in case of an emergency.

  2. Safety Management
  3. Technical staff are prohibited from engaging in any FSTD-related activities if they are under the influence of severe medication affecting decision making or in a comprehensive consciousness to make rational decisions. This is to ensure the engineering personnel safety and integrity of operations.

    For a comprehensive understanding of safety management, including policies, objectives, procedures, and individual responsibilities, staff should refer to the Safety Management System Manual (SMM). (Note that the SMM is applicable only for EASA-regulated activities)

    1. A lone worker must not be in the shift without prior knowledge to TM or his delegate.
    2. A lone worker must inform the front desk clerk and the security guard on duty that they are working alone.
    3. The front desk shall check regularly either by phone or during walk around on all lone employees working on site.
    4. A lone worker must not conduct any types of hardware or physical work at which 2 or more Engineers/Technicians are needed, that includes.
      1. Lifting / carrying heavy equipment.
      2. Working on visual projectors including but not limited to Change of projectors, electrical work related to the projectors or any hardware components of visual deck.
      3. Motion system maintenance including but not limited to oil change, use of aircraft jacks for any purposes, greasing, working in motion control cabinet and/or any electrical or mechanical work that related to the motion system that involves risk.
      4. Electrical work around high voltage power distribution area, FSTD and/or the simulator bay area.
    5. All engineering staff must promptly notify / report hazards, safety-related events, and incidents with relevant information to the ACAT Safety Manager. Reports can be made via email, verbally, or by filling out the Volunteer Reporting Form (VOLREP).
    6. To know all aspects of safety management, including the safety policy, objectives, procedures and individual safety responsibilities, Refer Safety Management System Manual (SMM). (Note: SMM applicable only for EASA)
    7. The Format for Maintenance & Voluntary Occurrence report can be found in Engineering Server.


  1. EMERGENCY CONTACT: all closed dome Flight Simulation Training Devices (FSTDs) must be equipped with an intercom system, preferably a phone or an electronic communication module, to enable immediate contact with the engineering team. For open dome FSTDs, a phone should be readily accessible to the crew for similar purposes.
  2. Each Full Flight Simulator (FFS) is equipped with comprehensive internal and external safety mechanisms designed to protect users in emergencies. Additionally, Flight Training Device (FTD) rooms are fitted with full-scope fire detection and alarm systems.
  3. Engineering personnel must be available when an FSTD is in use. In case of an emergency,it is their responsibility to guide and evacuate the crew to the designated facility assembly point.
  4. EMERGENCY: In a medical emergency, crew members are instructed to use the emergency buttons in the FSTD or the hotline for immediate assistance. Engineering staff must promptly inform the front desk of the situation and ensure the safe evacuation of the crew from the FSTD operational area.
  5. SAFETY BRIEFING: Each Flight Simulation Training Device (FSTD) at ACAT must have a model-specific safety briefing, detailing unique safety and emergency procedures. Ensuring the presence and update of these briefings for each FSTD model is the responsibility of the Technical Manager. If FSTD models and their safety systems are identical in features and procedures, a shared safety briefing may be used.


"In the event of a serious emergency, or an incident threatening the simulator and its occupants, the TM or shift in charge has the full authority to stop the operations immediately & instruct the occupants of FSTD operational area to act as per simulator safety protocol/briefing (para:2.4) This supersedes all the other protocols or processes or authority of ACAT.


In case the call is made by shift in-charge, after shifting the occupants to a safer place, preferably ACAT's assembly point, the incident must be briefed in detail to the TM or in absence of TM to his delegate. The ACAT's Front desk must be notified about the situation to alerts the other relevant process owners, primarily the safety manager."