1.General - Terminolgy

Acceptable change: A change to configuration, software etc., which qualifies as a potential candidate for alternative approach to validation.

Aircraft performance Data: Performance data published by the aircraft manufacturer in documents such as the aircraft flight manual (AFM), operations manual, performance engineering manual, or equivalent.

Audit: A systematic, independent, and documented process for obtaining evidence and evaluating it objectively to determine the extent to which requirements are complied with.

Automatic testing: Flight Simulation Training Device (FSTD) testing wherein all stimuli are under computer control.

Closed loop testing: It is a test method for which the input stimuli are generated by controllers which drive the FSTD to follow a pre-defined target response.

Competent Authority: An official body with the legal power to regulate, oversee, and enforce standards in a specific domain, ensuring adherence to relevant laws & regulations. Directorate General of Civil Aviation (DGCA-IN) & European union Aviation Safety Agency (EASA).

Convertible FSTD: An FSTD in which hardware and software can be changed so that the FSTD becomes a replica of a different model or variant, usually of the same type aircraft. The same FSTD platform, cockpit shell, motion system, visual system, computers, and necessary peripheral equipment can thus be used in more than one simulation.

Configuration Time: Time used to configure the FSTD for a training session.

Device Failure Time: The time FSTD is unavailable for training due to unscheduled maintenance, as defined by sim support (i.e., the time required to return the device available for training as recorded by sim support).

Discrepancy: Any entry recorded against the device. These might be known as log gripes, complaints, snags, failures, technical notes, anomalies, or defects.

Engineering Time: The time the FSTD is used by Engineering for activities other than preventive maintenance, corrective maintenance and scheduled testing or validation, (not a downtime).

Facility Down Time: The FSTD is unavailable for any use for reasons beyond the operator's control other than technical aspects (e.g., facility has lost power, flood, earthquake, etc.)

Flight and Navigation Procedures Trainer (FNPT): This means a training device which represents the flight deck or cockpit environment, including the assemblage of equipment and computer programs necessary to represent an aircraft type or class in flight operations to the extent that the systems appear to function as in an aircraft.

Flight Training Device (FTD): A full-size replica of a specific aircraft type instruments, equipment, panels and controls in an open flight deck area or an enclosed aircraft flight deck, including the assemblage of equipment and computer software programs necessary to represent the aircraft in ground and flight conditions to the extent of the systems installed in the device. It does not require a force-cueing motion or visual system, except in the case of helicopter FTD levels 2 and 3, where visual systems are required.

FSTD Approval: Declaration of the extent to which an FSTD of a specified qualification type may be used by an FSTD Certificate holder or training organization as agreed by DGCA. It takes account of differences between Aeroplane and FSTDs and of the operating and training ability of the organization.

FSTD Evaluation: A detailed appraisal of an FSTD by the competent authority to ascertain whether the standard required for a specified qualification level is met.

FSTD User: The person, organization or enterprise requesting training, checking, or testing credits using an FSTD.

Full Flight Simulator (FFS): A full-size replica of a specific type or make, Model and series aircraft flight deck, including the Assemblage of all equipment and computer programs necessary to represent the aircraft in ground and flight operations, a visual system providing and out-off the flight deck view, and a force cueing motion system.

Functions test: A quantitative and/or qualitative assessment of the operation and performance of an FSTD by a suitably qualified evaluator. The test can include verification of correct operation of controls, instruments, and systems of the simulated aircraft under normal and non-normal conditions. Functional performance is that operation or performance that can be verified by objective data or other suitable reference material which may not necessarily be flight test data.

Grandfather Rights: The right of an FSTD operator to retain the qualification level granted under a previous regulation of an EASA Member State. It also means the right of an FSTD user to retain the training and testing/checking credits that were gained under a previous regulation of an EASA Member State.

Highlight brightness: The maximum displayed brightness that satisfies the appropriate brightness test.

Inspection: An independent documented conformity evaluation by observation and judgement accompanied as appropriate by measurement, testing or gauging, to verify compliance with applicable requirements.

Interrupt: An event that suspends a flight crew's (or another user's) STD session (section 3.3 ).

Issue Ageing: The length of time an issue remains unresolved.

L1 Manager: The person who is assigned as Immediate superior to an Engineering Staff.

Lost Training Time: Time lost during the training session as defined by the flight crew or users of the device (e.g., the time required to return to the point of training just before the interrupt as recorded by the flight crew or device user) (section 3.3).

Maintenance Time: The time the STD is used by engineering for scheduled maintenance of FSTD (section 3.3).

Master Qualification Test Guide (MQTG): The CAA-approved test guide that incorporates the results of tests acceptable to the authorities at the initial qualification. The MQTG, as amended, serves as the reference for future evaluations. It may have to be re-established if any approved changes occur to the device but should still be compliant with the approved data.

Objective Testing: A quantitative assessment of the simulator functions based on comparison with data.

Open Time: At the time, the STD was available for training, but not utilized ( section 3.3).

Other Time: The time the STD is used for company demonstrations, tours, non-accredited training, etc. (section 3.3).

Out of Service: A period the STD is shut down (e.g., for a move or facility work) (section 3.3).

Return Material Request (RMR): Return Material Request is seeking spare support from OEM or 3rd Party vendor.

Shift In charge: Engineering Staff assigned by shift leader or technical leader to manage all or some responsibilities of the shift leader, in his/her absence or unavailability.

Team Leader: Engineering Staff assigned to manage individual teams and responsible for activities during the respective shifts by his/her team.

Sim Support: Qualified personnel who are authorized to maintain the FSTD (section 3.3).

Snapshot: A presentation of one or more variables at a given instant of time.

Statement of Compliance (SOC):It is a certification from the organization regarding evaluation of Flight Simulator that specific requirements have been met. It must provide references to needed sources of information for showing compliance, rationale to explain how the referenced material is used, mathematical equations and parameter values used, and conclusion reached.

STD Down Time: Unscheduled unavailability of the STD due to technical reasons.

Subjective test (subjective testing): A qualitative assessment based on established standards as interpreted by a suitably qualified person.

Support Time: The time the STD is used for Maintenance, Engineering, Regulatory, Configuration activities, and Out of Service Time (section 3.3).

Sponsor: FSTD operating organization i.e., AAG Centre for Aviation Training. (ACAT) or its authorized/nominated personnel.

Technical staff/Engineering staff: Engineering personnel qualified to operate, maintain, troubleshoot, and access the FSTD.

Training Device Manufacturer (TDM): The organization or enterprise designs or manufactures flight simulators.

Training Time: The time the STD is used for training.

Update: The improvement or enhancement of an FSTD.

Upgrade: The improvement orenhancement of an FSTD for the purpose of achieving a higher qualification.

Validation Data: Data used to prove that the simulator's performance corresponds to that of the Aeroplane.

Validation Data Roadmap (VDR): A VDR document contains guidance material from the Aeroplane validation data supplier recommending the best possible sources of data to be used as validation data in the QTG.

Validation Flight Test Data: Performance, stability & control, and other necessary test parameters electrically or electronically recorded in an Aeroplane using a calibrated data acquisition system of sufficient resolution and verified as accurate by the organization performing the test to establish a reference set of relevant parameters to which like simulator parameters can be compared.

Validation Test: A test by which FSTD parameters can be compared with the relevant validation data.

Visual Ground Segment Test: A test designed to assess items impacting the accuracy of the visual scene presented to the pilot at a decision height (DH) on an instrument landing system (ILS) approach.

Visual system: A visual system capable of meeting, as a minimum, system brightness, contrast ratio requirements and performance criteria appropriate for the level of qualification sought. The system, when used in training, should provide full color presentations and sufficient surfaces with appropriate textural cues to successfully conduct a visual approach, landing and airport movement (taxi).

Visual system response time: The interval from an abrupt control input to the completion of the visual display scan of the first video field containing the resulting different information.

Work Around: An operational event which causes the crew or instructor to utilize an alternate means to successfully complete the training.

Use of language in Manuals / Documents;

It shall be ensured that all Manuals / Documents are written in the English language and the following words are used to give the meaning as indicated against such words.

  1. "shall" or "must" - compliance is mandatory.
  2. "will" - the action referred to will not take place now but there is a commitment to comply with the requirement.
  3. "should"- compliance is recommended but not compulsory.
  4. "may" - there is discretion for the applicant/operator to apply alternate means of compliance or to ignore the requirement.
  5. "On Offer" - A discrepancy has been resolved but still open for feedback or monitoring stableness of the solution attained by the corrective action.